Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH                Return to mindatnh front page.        
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This page is an alphabetical photo gallery of minerals from the Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH.
(A locality specific photo set from mindatnh.org)   
24 species, 61 mineral photos, 3 EDS analyses, 6 map & site photos.   See also: Mindat.org locality link
During 1969 – 1971, a Rt. 101 bypass was constructed around the town centers of Amherst and Milford, NH. A major intersection with Rt. 101A at the Amherst-Milford boarder required the blasting of much ledge. Mineral wise, this was a large outcrop of boring biotite gneiss. I moved to Amherst in 1971, and rekindled my childhood interest in minerals in 1974. In the summer of 1997, Bob Whitmore showed me a 1 cm stilbite spray from this 101 – 101A road cut. Exploring the cut, I found nothing in the road cut ledge, but did find some nice chabazite and hematite in a blasted ledge at the end of an adjacent building parking lot. I invited Scott Whittemore to this site on a re-visit. On a later date, Scott did a careful inspection of the road cut ledges. He found many more species. Subsequent visits by Scott, Bob Janules and myself built a substantial suite of minerals from this locality.
The access ramps for this intersection were widened in the spring of 2019, but no collectable minerals were found from the new blasting.
This locality demonstrates that what appeared to be an uninteresting ledge area, upon close examination, yielded a large selection of mineral species.
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Site location
Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH

Notes: South-central NH
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Site location
Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH

Notes: South-central NH
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Site location
Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH

Notes: South-central NH
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Banded biotite gneiss
Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH

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Spring 2019 off ramp modification

Spring 2019 off ramp modification
Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH

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Area bedrock geology

Area bedrock geology
Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH

Notes: South-central NH
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ADULARIA - K feldspar   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut Amherst, NH
2.5 cm specimen

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ADULARIA - K feldspar   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut Amherst, NH
3 mm field of view
Species:           ADULARIA - K feldspar  
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 cm specimen with magnified 3 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2358
Notes: Little contrast in the adularia crystal covered surface. EDs analysis verified a potasium feldspar. Raman analysis pending to differentiate orthoclase from microcline dimorphs.
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ALBITE - var. Zygadite  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1 mm field of view
Species:           ALBITE - var. Zygadite
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm field of view
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: A Peter Cristofono specimen and photo
Notes: The zygadite variety of albite consists of an unusual crystallographic habit: tabular crystals with a steeply acute morphology.
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ALBITE - var. Zygadite  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2.5 mm field of view
Species:           ALBITE - var. Zygadite
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2255
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ALBITE - var. Zygadite  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1 mm field of view
Species:           ALBITE - var. Zygadite
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2255
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ALMANDINE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
7 cm specimen.
Species:           ALMANDINE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 7 cm specimen
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: Red garnets in biotite matrix. Almandine species is a visual idendification.
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AUGITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3.5 cm specimen with 8 mm embedded augite

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AUGITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3.5 cm specimen with 8 mm embedded augite
Species:           AUGITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3.5 cm specimen with 8 mm embedded augite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u324
Notes: Augite chemistry: (Ca,Mg,Fe)2Si2O6
A Bill Simmons' article on pyroxene in Brittanica.com states:
"The nature of aluminum substitution in pyroxenes varies significantly from one pyroxene to another.... ...In augite there can be extensive substitution of aluminum for tetrahedral silicon."
A polished grain EDS analysis (BC241) of this specimen gave:
(Ca0.45,K0.04,Mg0.37,Fe0.41)(Si1.5,Al0.5)O2.2 normalized for Si + Al = 2.
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BABINGTONITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
0.8 mm babingtonite on prehnite fan with tiny pyrite crystal
Species:           BABINGTONITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.8 mm babingtonite on prehnite fan with tiny pyrite crystal
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u327
Notes: This 101 - 101A road cut is the only known NH locality for Babingtonite.
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BABINGTONITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1.0 mm babingtonite on prehnite
Species:           BABINGTONITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.0 mm babingtonite on prehnite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u327
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BABINGTONITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
5 mm crystal group
Species:           BABINGTONITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 5 mm crystal group
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u286
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BABINGTONITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
0.6 mm babingtonite on pale yellow-green epidote
Species:           BABINGTONITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.6 mm babingtonite on pale yellow-green epidote
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u294
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BABINGTONITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
4 mm field of view
Species:           BABINGTONITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 4 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2252
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BIOTITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
4.5 inch specimen.

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BIOTITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
EDS analysis shows this biotite is closest to the annite species, (red star).
Species:           BIOTITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 4.5 inch specimen.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: Voucher specimen - not remarkable.
EDS analysis shows this biotite is closest to the annite species, (red star).
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CHABAZITE Group  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
4 mm field of view. Chabazite rhombs with pale green prehnite
Species:           CHABAZITE Group
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 4 mm field of view. Chabazite rhombs with pale green prehnite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u327
Notes: The chabazite is starting to decompose a bit. A tiny pyrite cube is on the prehnite. Photo from a stack of 149 images.
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CHABAZITE Group  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3 mm field of view. 0.4 to 0.5 mm chabazite rhombs
Species:           CHABAZITE Group
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm field of view. 0.4 to 0.5 mm chabazite rhombs
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2258
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CHABAZITE Group with babingtonite  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3 mm field of view
Species:           CHABAZITE Group with babingtonite
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.:
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CHABAZITE Group with babingtonite  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2 mm field of view
Species:           CHABAZITE Group with babingtonite
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.:
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CALCITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2.2 cm specimen, prismatic calcite with stilbite
Species:           CALCITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2.2 cm specimen, prismatic calcite with stilbite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NR
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CALCITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3 mm crystal
Species:           CALCITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm crystal
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u314
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CLINOCHLORE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
0.8 mm field of view
Species:           CLINOCHLORE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.8 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: TBC
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CLINOCHLORE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1 mm field of view
Species:           CLINOCHLORE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: TBC
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EPIDOTE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
5 mm field of view
Species:           EPIDOTE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 5 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u320
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EPIDOTE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1 mm crystal pair
Species:           EPIDOTE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm crystal pair
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.:
Notes: The serrated edges are seen on many of the micro epidote crystals from this locality.
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EPIDOTE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3 mm field of view. Dark prismatic epidote on adularia
Species:           EPIDOTE - REE rich
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm field of view. Dark prismatic epidote on adularia.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2253
Notes: These dark crystals from the Rt. 101 - 101A locality were initially thought to be allanite, but EDS analysis showed the rare earth element (REE) was too low to be allanite. They are REE enriched epidote.
Epidote chemistry is: Ca2Al2(Fe3+,Al)Si3O12(OH) , Fleischer 2008
Allanite-(Ce) chemistry is: CaCeFe2+Al2(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH) , Fleischer 2008
A second polished grain, quantitative, EDS analysis , BC343, also indicated a REE rich epidote.
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EPIDOTE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2 mm cluster of bladed epidote crystals on adularia.
Species:           EPIDOTE - REE rich
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2 mm cluster of bladed epidote crystals on adularia.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u299
Notes: The REE rich epidote also occurs in this tabular habit.
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EPIDOTE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1.5 mm high epidote on adularia.
Species:           EPIDOTE - REE rich
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.5 mm high epidote on adularia.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u282
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FLUORAPATITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
15 mm light green crystal.
Species:           FLUORAPATITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 15 mm light green crystal.
Field Collected: Peter Cristofono
Catalog No.: A Peter Cristofono specimen and photo
Notes: Fluoresces yellow-orange in SW UV.
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FLUORITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
0.8 mm crystal
Species:           FLUORITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size:0.8 mm crystal.
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: A Bob Janules specimen
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FLUORITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1 mm field of view
Species:           FLUORITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm field of view
Field Collected: Matt Butler
Catalog No.: A Matt Butler specimen and photo
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FLUORITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1.4 mm field of view
Species:           FLUORITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.4 mm field of view
Field Collected: Matt Butler
Catalog No.: A Matt Butler specimen and photo
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HEMATITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3.2 mm cluster of hematite blades
Species:           HEMATITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3.2 mm cluster of hematite blades
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u1824
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HEMATITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1.5 mm cluster of hematite blades
Species:           HEMATITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.5 mm cluster of hematite blades
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2250
Notes: LED + SOLUX lighting
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HEMATITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3.5 cm specimen. Hematite black, on pink orthoclase
Species:           HEMATITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3.5 cm specimen. Hematite black, on pink orthoclase
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 1630
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HEULANDITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2.3 mm crystal with Babingtonite, black
Species:           HEULANDITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2.3 mm crystal with Babingtonite, black
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u305
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HEULANDITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3 mm field of view
Species:           HEULANDITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2259
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LAUMONTITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2 mm field of view
Species:           LAUMONTITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u316
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LAUMONTITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut Amherst, NH
1.0 mm laumontite crystal
Species:           LAUMONTITE  
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.0 mm laumontite crystal
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2359
Notes: Small black crystals are babingtonite.
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MAGNETITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
0.5 mm magnetite crystal
Species:           MAGNETITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.5 mm magnetite crystal
Field Collected: Peter Cristofono
Catalog No.: A Peter Cristofono specimen and photo
Notes: This is the only non-embedded magnetite crystal I have seen from this locality.
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MAGNETITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
3 inch specimen
Species:           MAGNETITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3 inch specimen. Black magnetite embedded in quartz-feldspar matrix.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: Embedded magnetite is common in the parking lot ledge wall adgacent to the road cut.
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MICROCLINE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
8 mm field of view. Pink microcline with epidote, babingtonite & prehnite
Species:           MICROCLINE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 8 mm field of view. Pink microcline with epidote, babingtonite & prehnite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.:
Notes: Microcline identification by FTIR spectroscopy. June 2019 EDS (BC336, BC342) clearly showed K spar.
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MUSCOVITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
5 mm field of view. Sharp hexagonal books of muscovite to 1 mm
Species:           MUSCOVITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 5 mm field of view. Sharp hexagonal books of muscovite to 1 mm
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: e.g. u317
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MUSCOVITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2.5 mm field of view. Hexagonal books of muscovite to 0.8 mm
Species:           MUSCOVITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 mm field of view. Hexagonal books of muscovite to 0.8 mm
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u310
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PREHNITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
7 cm specimen with glassy pale-green prehnite crystals
Species:           PREHNITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 7 cm specimen with glassy pale-green prehnite crystals
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 1029
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PREHNITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1.8 mm prehnite bow-tie with tiny pyrite crystals and babingtonite
Species:           PREHNITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.8 mm prehnite bow-tie with tiny pyrite crystals and babingtonite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u327
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PREHNITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
1.8 mm prehnite fan

Species:           PREHNITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.8 mm prehnite fan
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer, Aug. 1997
Catalog No.: u327
Notes: I have difficulty photo-ing these bright-white, lustrous, prehnite clusters. Increasing the light just washes everything out.
Photo from a 66 image stack with Canon T3i, EFS 55-250 lens, plus B&L objective lens, processed with Helicon Focus Method B.
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PYRITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
1.5 mm pyritohedrons. Left one altering to limonite

Species:           PYRITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.5 mm pyritohedrons. Left one altering to limonite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer.
Catalog No.: u288-altered, u310-fresh
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RUTILE    Ledge near parking lot of Rt 101 -Rt 101A intersection, Amherst, NH
0.7 mm rutile crystal section on quartz crystal.

Species:           RUTILE
Locality:          Ledge near parking lot of Rt 101 -Rt 101A intersection, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.7 mm rutile crystal section on quartz crystal.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u306
Notes: This is a voucher specimen (only one known) for the rutile species at the Rt 101 - Rt 101A intersection locale.
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SPHALERITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
0.9 mm crystal on babingtonite

Species:           SPHALERITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.9 mm crystal on babingtonite
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: u2254
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SPHALERITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
1.0 mm crystal on babingtonite

Species:           SPHALERITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.0 mm crystal on babingtonite
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: A Bob Janules specimen
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SPHALERITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
0.8 mm crystal on babingtonite

Species:           SPHALERITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.8 mm crystal on babingtonite
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: A Bob Janules specimen
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STILBITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
3 cm specimen of chalk-white Stilbite crystals

Species:           STILBITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 3 cm specimen of chalk-white Stilbite crystals
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 1037
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STILBITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
1.4 cm stilbite group with calcite crystals

Species:           STILBITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.4 cm stilbite group with calcite crystals
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2245
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STILBITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
4 mm field of view

Species:           STILBITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 4 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2265
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STILBITE   Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
0.5 mm simple orthorhombic prism

Species:           STILBITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.5 mm simple orthorhombic prism
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2266
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STILBITE   Rt. 101 - 101A Road cut Amherst-Milford, NH
2.5 cm tall specimen
Species:           STILBITE
Locality:         Rt. 101 - 101A Road cut Amherst-Milford, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 cm tall specimen
Field Collected: Don Dallaire - 1997
Catalog No.: A Don Dallaire specimen #2333, and photo
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TITANITE   Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1.3 mm titanite crystal

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1.3 mm titanite crystal
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: A Bob Janules specimen
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TITANITE   Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
1 mm group of orange-tan titanite crystals

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm group of orange-tan titanite crystals
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u394
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TITANITE   Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
2 mm group of tan titanite crystals

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 2 mm group of tan titanite crystals
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2264
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ZIRCON   Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
0.5 mm high crystal

Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:          Rt 101-101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 0.5 mm high crystal
Field Collected: Peter Cristofono
Catalog No.: A Peter Cristofono specimen and photo