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See analysis study of New Hampshire Black Micas (pdf).
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ANNITE   Worthy Hill power line pegmatite, Goffstown, NH
7 cm specimen. Annite (black mica) totally enclosed in muscovite.
Species:           ANNITE
Locality:          Worthy Hill power line pegmatite, Goffstown, NH
Specimen Size: 7 cm specimen. Annite (black mica) totally enclosed in muscovite.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 887
Notes: Annite verified by EDS analysis. Al must be greater than Si for siderophyllite
A second, weight % oxide, EDS analysis BC521 also confirmed annite.
Chemistry from this analysis: K1.14(Fe2.20Mg0.45)Ti0.16Al1.94Si2.78O12 , normalized for 12 O.
Ideal annite chemistry is: KFe3AlSi3O10(OH)2 . In the BC521 analysis, the Mg indicates some phlogopite component and some Al is likely occupying the Si site. Ti is frequently seen in biotite micas.
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ANNITE    Rt. 16 construction site, Bartlett, NH
4 cm specimen with 1.5 cm black annite mica cleavage
Species:           ANNITE   (Biotite mica group)
Locality:          Rt. 16 construction site, Bartlett, NH
Specimen Size: 4 cm specimen with 1.5 cm black annite mica cleavage
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 1696
Notes: Annite identified by EDS analysis. The author has had several NH biotite mica specimens analyzed - seeking a confirmed NH siderophyllite example. Aluminum must be greater than silicon for siderophyllite. The conventional wisdom is that most biotite mica in the Conway granite of the White Mountains is the annite species.
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ANNITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
4.5 inch specimen.

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ANNITE  Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
EDS analysis shows this biotite is closest to the annite species, (red star).
Species:           ANNITE
Locality:          Rt. 101 - 101A Road Cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 4.5 inch specimen.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: Voucher specimen - not remarkable.
EDS analysis shows this biotite is closest to the annite species, (red star).
A second EDS analysis, BC520, gave a similar result that supported the annite identification.
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ANNITE   Ellacoya Locale, Gilford, NH
Foreground mica crystal is 0.7 mm

Species:           ANNITE
Locality:          Ellacoya Locale, Gilford, NH
Specimen Size: Foreground mica crystal is 0.7 mm
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2173
Notes: This could be one of several dark mica species, but the nice hexagonal form initially suggested annite to me. An April 2018 carbon tape mounted grain EDS analysis (set 19, BC289) indicated a potassium, iron dominant (over magnesium) mica, confirming annite. The chemistry from the analysis gave: (normalized for one atom of potassium)
K(Fe1.87,Mg1.02)Al0.92Si2.62O11Cl0.1. This is not too far from the annite - phlogopite midpoint. This is a reasonably satisfying analysis. For an annite - phlogopite mica, the Mg + Fe should add to 3, the Al should be 1 and the Si should be 3
Some greenish foliated balls of mica are also seen at this locality. These are likely a chlorite group species. The chlorite group micas do not have potassium.
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ANNITE   Ellacoya Locale, Gilford, NH
4 mm field of view

Species:           ANNITE
Locality:          Ellacoya Locale, Gilford, NH
Specimen Size: 4 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u2170
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ANNITE  Black Cap Mtn., Conway, NH
4.5 cm specimen
Species:           ANNITE
Locality:         Black Cap Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 4.5 cm specimen
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer - 5/21/83
Catalog No.: 2169
Notes: Specimen came from tailings pile adjacent to deep well miaroltic pocket collected by Bill Ross in the 1970's.
An EDS analysis (BC522, a weight % oxide analysis) indicated the annite species. A moderate fluorine peak (@ 677 eV) was not quantified, suggesting fluorannite, an IMA approved species. Another EDS analysis is planned. has no North American photos of fluorannite. HOM fluorannite analysis has one APFU F.
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ANNITE  Stop & Shop Plaza (now Dollar Store), Milford, NH
Specimen view 7 cm across
Species:           ANNITE
Locality:         Stop & Shop Plaza (now Dollar Store), Milford, NH
Specimen Size: Specimen view 7 cm across
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: TBC
Notes: An EDS analysis (BC520, a weight % oxide analysis) indicated the annite species. A moderate fluorine peak (@ 677 eV) was not quantified.
The chemistry indicated by this analysis is: K1.08Fe1.83Mg1.14Ti0.22Al1.48Si2.54O11.0 normalized for 12 O.
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ANNITE  Murphy Prospect, Springfield, NH
9.5 cm annite cleavage
Species:           ANNITE
Locality:         Murphy Prospect, Springfield, NH
Specimen Size: 9.5 cm annite cleavage
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer 9/14/2011
Catalog No.: 2175
Notes: EDS analysis indicated a chemistry of K1.14Fe2.04Mg0.23Al1.89Si2.66O11 normalized for 11 O.
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ANNITE  Murphy Prospect, Springfield, NH
4.5 cm annite cleavage
Species:           ANNITE
Locality:         Murphy Prospect, Springfield, NH
Specimen Size: 4.5 cm annite cleavage
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer 9/14/2011
Catalog No.: 2175 - two pieces cataloged with this number
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ANNITE  Frechette Quarry, Conway, NH
1.8 mm hexagonal annite book
Species:           ANNITE
Locality:         Frechette Quarry, Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.8 mm hexagonal annite book
Field Collected: Jim Parella
Catalog No.: u2660
Notes: EDS analysis indicated the annite mica. No Mg was detected, so close to the annite end member.
A second EDS analysis (BC511 weight % oxide) on the same grain was done in 9/24. This analysis gave a chemistry of K0.12Ca0.16Mg0.08Fe2.80Mn0.06Al1.63Si3.20O12.0 normalized for 12 O. The sum cation content (K, Mg, Ca) from this analysis is very low, (< 0.5 APFU), but with Fe >> Mg, definitely an annite mica.
Jim Parella attempted to relocate the Frechette Quarry in 2022. He concluded that the quarry and sandpit had been covered over and reclaimed. This annite has a greasy brown appearance. A small blue titanite crystal is also on this specimen.