Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH, Mineral Gallery        Return to mindatnh front page.       Click on image for larger view
This page is an alphabetical photo gallery of minerals from the Hurricane Mtn. Locality, New Hampshire.   (A locality specific photo set from
14 species, 60 mineral photos, 13 mineral analyses, 2 site photos.
A 2023 investigation of the Hurricane arfvedsonite and riebeckite failed in attempts with EDS and PXRD to differeniate these two species.
(see Hurricane amphiboles study ) This web page continues with the historical definition of Hurricane arfvedsonite and riebeckite.
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Hurricane topo view  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Species:           Hurricane topo view
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Notes: The Hurricane Mtn. locale is located to the north of the high point of the Hurricane Mtn. Road that goes between North Conway and the Maine border.
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Peter's Quarry  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Species:           Peter's Quarry
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Notes: Peter Samuelson collected many fine arfvedsonite specimens from this large prospect pit on Hurricane Mtn. A low resolution, scanned, photo.
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Gordon Jackson display case
Gordon Jackson display of Hurricane Mtn. minerals at the 2023 New England Mineral Conference
Species:           Gordon Jackson Hurricane Mtn. collection
Locality:         Gordon Jackson display at the 2023 New England Mineral Conference
Specimen Size: 7 mm field of view
Field Collected: Many self collected by Gordon
Notes: Tom Mortimer gave a short talk on the minerals of Hurricane Mtn. at the 2023 New England Mineral Conference, Bethel, ME.
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ALBITE  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
7 mm field of view
Species:           ALBITE    NaAlSi3O8
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 7 mm field of view
Field Collected: Leroy Grant
Catalog No.:
Notes: Riebeckite "hairs" and zircon bipyramids are also visible in the top right of this photo.
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AEGIRINE  Peter's Quarry, Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.3 cm splintery mass
Species:           AEGIRINE     NaFeSi2O6
Locality:         Peter's Quarry, Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.3 cm splintery mass
Field Collected: Bob Wilken - 2021
Catalog No.: u2564
Notes: Aegirine confirmed by EDS analysis The chemistry imputed from this analysis is Na0.95Fe0.71Si2O3.6 , normalized for 2 Si. This is close to the desired Na:Fe ratio of 1:1.... much closer than for the amphibole arfvedsonite and riebeckite species reported from Hurricane.
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AEGIRINE  Peter's Quarry, Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.8 cm splintery mass
Species:           AEGIRINE     NaFeSi2O6
Locality:         Peter's Quarry, Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.8 cm splintery mass
Field Collected: Bob Wilken - 2021
Catalog No.: A Bob Wilken specimen
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AEGIRINE  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2 cm vertical field of view

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AEGIRINE  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
10 mm vertical field of view
Species:           AEGIRINE
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2 cm vertical field of view and 10 mm close-up view.
Field Collected: Leroy Grant - 1970's
Catalog No.: 2154
Notes: In 2022, Bob Wilken found and identified (EDS) aegirine at Hurricane Mtn. These were mostly micro green splinters in the cores of matrix embedded arfvedsonite crystals. Alerted to this association, I reviewed a small lot of Leroy Grant Hurricane specimens, (acquired 2018), that I had dismissed as typical, non-descript, embedded arfvedsonite. One miniature chunk had these aegerine crystals. These were not as green as Bob's find, perhaps due to greater weathering.
Aegirine has been on New Hampshire species lists for decades, reported from Red Hill, Moultonborough, My Red Hill collecting efforts had failed to find an example, so Bob's discovery of the Hurricane Mtn. occurrence was most satisfying.
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AEGIRINE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
10 mm field of view

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AEGIRINE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
4 mm field of view
Species:           AEGIRINE
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 10 mm field of view and 4 mm FOV close up.
Field Collected: Bob Janules
Catalog No.: u2710
Notes: 10 FOV includes blades of astrophyllite and a zircon about dead center.
EDS BC510 showed a Fe, Na silicate, but a poor count analysis.
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ARFVEDSONITE  Huricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.2 cm tall arfvedsonite crystal on microcline crystal matrix with zircons

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ARFVEDSONITE  Huricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.2 cm tall arfvedsonite crystal on microcline crystal matrix with zircons
Species:           ARFVEDSONITE    NaNa2(Fe2+4Fe3+)Si8O22(OH)2
Locality:         Huricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.2 cm tall arfvedsonite crystal on microcline crystal matrix with zircons.
Field Collected: Roger Eastman
Catalog No.: A Don Dallaire specimen and photo. Acquired 8/22.
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ARFVEDSONITE   Hurricane Mtn, Conway, NH
4.25 cm crystal
Species:           ARFVEDSONITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn, Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 4.25 cm crystal
Field Collected: Peter Samuelson A former Bob Whitmore specimen.
Catalog No.: 4013. A Don Dallaire specimen & photo.
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ARFVEDSONITE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2.4 cm terminated arfvedsonite crystal

Species:           ARFVEDSONITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.4 cm terminated arfvedsonite crystal
Field Collected: Attributed to Ernie Schlichter - Peter Samuelson joint diggings
Catalog No.: 1749
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ARFVEDSONITE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
4.2 cm arfvedsonite crystal in matrix

Species:           ARFVEDSONITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 4.2 cm arfvedsonite crystal in matrix
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 842
Notes: A polished grain EDS analysis gave a result that was very low in sodium and high in iron for the species.
A second EDS analysis of of this same grain by Al Falster of the MMGM lab (without quantification) also suggested a high Fe content. Al's analysis showed moderate substitution of Mn, Mg, Al, Ca, and Ti.
The RUFF web site provides a complex empirical chemistry for the arfvedsonite species:
indicating the substitution elements present in Al's analysis.
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ARFVEDSONITE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2 mm crystal blade

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ARFVEDSONITE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2 mm crystal blade

Species:           ARFVEDSONITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2 mm crystal blade
Field Collected: Leroy Grant - early 1970's
Catalog No.: u2223
Notes: Top photo: blade crystal in vug, termination partially obscured. 70 stacked images with Nikon objective. Helicon Method C.
Lower photo: 26 stacked images with B&L 5X objective - different orientation. Helicon Method C - a bit grainy.
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ARFVEDSONITE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
11 cm terminated arfvedsonite crystal

Species:           ARFVEDSONITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1 cm terminated arfvedsonite crystal
Field Collected: A gift from M. Chandler to the Harvard Mineral Museum
Catalog No.: Harvard Mineral Museum #119209
Notes: This is a very large terminated arfvedsonite for Hurricane Mtn.
A Kevin Czaja photo.
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Amphibole cleavage   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2 cm arfvedsonite crystal in matrix

Species:           Amphibole cleavage
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2 cm arfvedsonite crystal in matrix
Field Collected: Leroy Grant, 1970's
Catalog No.:
Notes: Magnified end view of crystal shows the amphibole cleavage of 124 and 56 degrees.
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ASTROPHYLLITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
4.2 cm crystal blade, no matrix /div>
Species:           ASTROPHYLLITE   (K,Na)3(Fe,Mn)7Ti2Si8O24(O,OH)7
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 4.2 cm crystal blade, no matrix
Field Collected: From Vince Valade collection. A gift from Gordon Jackson
Catalog No.: 1942
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ASTROPHYLLITE    Hurricane Mtn., N. Conway, NH
3 mm crystal in quartz
Species:           ASTROPHYLLITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., N. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm crystal in quartz
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u36
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ASTROPHYLLITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
9 mm vertical field of view
Species:           ASTROPHYLLITE  
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 9 mm vertical field of view
Field Collected: Leroy Grant -1970's
Catalog No.: u2371
Notes: Golden astrophyllite hairs in quartz crystal.
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ASTROPHYLLITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
15 mm vertical of view
Species:           ASTROPHYLLITE  
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 15 mm vertical of view
Field Collected: Leroy Grant -1970's
Catalog No.: nc
Notes: Golden astrophyllite hairs in quartz.
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BASTNASITE-Ce  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
0.5 mm compound crystal group

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BASTNASITE-Ce  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
0.5 mm compound crystal group
Species:           BASTNASITE-Ce    (Ce,La)(CO3)F
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 0.5 mm compound crystal group, two views.
Field Collected: Bob Wilken - 9/21
Catalog No.: A Bob Wilken specimen & photo. HUR-Bastnaesite02AA
Notes: Bastnasite-Ce confirmed by EDS analysis .
Top photo taken with Nikon Plan 10X objective, 111 photos in stack with 6 um steps.
[bw] "Having found bastnaesite twice now in two different Hurricane localities, I don't think it can be too awfully uncommon. It certainly doesn't show up as much as zircon, but with persistence and a micro hunter attitude, it should be found. I think most people that go to Hurricane are just looking for the typical species that make nice thumbnails."
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GLAUCONITE A variety of Celadonite   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2 cm specimen. Glauconite on microcline

Species:           GLAUCONITE A variety of Celadonite
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2 cm specimen. Glauconite on microcline
Field Collected: Peter Samuelson - 1976
Catalog No.: A Gordon Jackson specimen
Notes: Glauconite is essentially the K-deficient equivalent of celadonite.
Mindat/org states "For practical purposes, if the mineral occurred in a sedimentary rock it was called 'glauconite' and if in a volcanic rock it was called 'celadonite'.“ [tm] This does not seem to be the case here.
Bishop et. al. in their 2008 article in Clay Minerals (3/ 2008) include an analysis of a Hurricane Mtn. glauconite with a formula:
Na0.03K0.753(Ti0.003Al0.202Fe3+1.426Fe2+0.402Mg0.004)(Si3.541Al0.549)O10(OH)2 .
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GLAUCONITE A variety of Celadonite   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
3.5 cm specimen of massive, amorphous, Glauconite

Species:           GLAUCONITE A variety of Celadonite
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 3.5 cm specimen of massive, amorphous, Glauconite
Field Collected: Gordon Jackson
Catalog No.: 1681
Notes: In February, 2019, a polished grain EDS analysis on a sample from this specimen indicated a celadonite group mineral. Presently, magnesium is an "essential element" for glauconite, (per No magnesium was detected in my analysis.
A PXRD of Hurricane Mtn. glauconite was obtained from a sample submitted to John Attard's XRD service. This PXRD plot is a good match for glauconite.
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GLAUCONITE A variety of Celadonite   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
3 cm specimen of massive, amorphous, Glauconite

Species:           GLAUCONITE A variety of Celadonite
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 3 cm specimen of massive, amorphous, Glauconite
Field Collected:
Catalog No.: A Harvard Museum specimen
Notes: A Kevin Czaja photo
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HEMATITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2.8 cm - full specimen

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HEMATITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.5 cm - zoom view

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HEMATITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
7 mm field of view
Species:           HEMATITE   
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.8 cm - full specimen
Field Collected: Don Swenson
Catalog No.: u2040 - 3rd photo
Notes: When I first saw these lustrous black crystals I thought they might be cassiterite. However an EDS analysis showed them to be hematite. The small bit of silica is likely an impurity in the sample.
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HEMATITE  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.54 mm crystal
Species:           HEMATITE
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.54 mm crystal
Field Collected: Bob Wilken - 9/21
Catalog No.: A Bob Wilken specimen & photo. HUR-Hematite01A
Notes: Visual identification by Bob. Might also be ilmenite
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ILMENITE  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
0.5 mm ilmenite crystals
Species:           ILMENITE
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 0.5 mm ilmenite crystals
Field Collected: Bob Wilken
Catalog No.: u2670
Notes: Bob identified these as ilmenite, but I thought they were hematite.
EDS analysis (BC505) proved Bob correct. The chemistry from the analysis was a near exact match for ilmenite: Fe1.00Ti1.02O3.03 .
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ILMENITE on Zircon  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
0.3 mm hematite crystal on a zircon crystal
Species:           ILMENITEon Zircon
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 0.3 mm hematite crystal on a zircon crystal
Field Collected: Bob Wilken
Catalog No.: u2643
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ILMENITE  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
0.5 mm hematite crystal
Species:           ILMENITE
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 0.5 mm ilmenite crystal
Field Collected: Bob Wilken
Catalog No.: u2670
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MICROCLINE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
4 cm specimen
Species:           MICROCLINE   
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 4 cm specimen
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.:
Notes: Microcline crystals are common in Hurricane miarolitic cavities.
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MICROCLINE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
3.5 cm specimen
Species:           MICROCLINE   
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 3.5 cm specimen
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 2026
Notes: These microcline crystals have a manganese (pyrolucite ?) or iron-oxide coating, demonstrating that external color can sometimes be a poor aid to species identification. The matrix is quartz, feldspar and arfvedsonite.
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OPAL var. Hyalite    Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
10 mm field of view
Species:           OPAL var. Hyalite  
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 10 mm field of view
Field Collected: Leroy Grant - early '70's
Catalog No.: NC
Notes: A voucher specimen for hyalite opal on Hurricane Mtn. A no stacking photo.
This hyalite has a bright green fluorescence in SW UV.
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QUARTZ    Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
9.5 cm smoky crystal
Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 9.5 cm smoky crystal
Field Collected: R. Bohmar 1972
Catalog No.: Harvard Mineral Museum #124880.
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QUARTZ    Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
2.5 mm field of view
Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 mm field of view
Field Collected: Leroy Grant - 1970's
Catalog No.: NC
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RHYOLITE with cabochon   Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
91.9 ct. oval with typical rough
Species:           RHYOLITE with cabochon
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 91.9 ct. oval with typical rough
Field Collected:
Catalog No.: Harvard Mineral Museum Gem #1404
Notes: A Kevin Czaja photo.
Rhyolite is a feldspar-quartz mixture.
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RIEBECKITE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
12 mm field of view

Species:           RIEBECKITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 12 mm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 576
Notes: I have wondered for many years if these black hair specimens (I collected many) are arfvedsonite, riebeckite, or perhaps aegirine. All are possibilities from the Hurricane Mtn. locality. A qualitative EDS analysis did not resolve the ambiguity (the sodium response of EDS detector is low and not indicative of the true sodium proportion). Both arfvedsonite and riebeckite have a Fe:Si ratio of 5:8. Aegrine is lower, 4:8 (1:2). The plot appears to support a 5:8 ratio.
A review of two articles in volume 34 of the Canadian Mineralogist indicates this fibrous amphibole is riebeckite: by Foord et. al.: "The fine-grained riebeckite is a product of final low-temperature hydrothermal solutions that were present in the miarolitic cavities."
and by Hawthorne et. al. "fibrous Li-poor riebeckite partly fills some of the miarolitic cavities"
A 16 image stack processed with Helicon Focus.
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RIEBECKITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
7 cm specimen with large zone of blue riebeckite var crocidolite.

Species:           RIEBECKITE var Crocidolite
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 7 cm specimen with large zone of blue riebeckite var crocidolite.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer (1982)
Catalog No.: 178
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RIEBECKITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
4 cm specimen with zone of blue riebeckite var crocidolite.

Species:           RIEBECKITE var Crocidolite
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 4 cm specimen with zone of blue riebeckite var crocidolite.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer (1982)
Catalog No.:
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RIEBECKITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2.2 cm specimen with acicular black hairs of riebeckite

Species:           RIEBECKITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.2 cm specimen with acicular black hairs of riebeckite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer (1982)
Catalog No.:
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RIEBECKITE   North Moat Mtn., Bartlett, NH
2 cm mass of fibrous riebeckite

Species:           RIEBECKITE
Locality:         North Moat Mtn., Bartlett, NH
Specimen Size: 2 cm mass of fibrous riebeckite
Field Collected: Gene Bearss (1985)
Catalog No.: A Gene Bearss collection specimen
Notes: Identification by Gene Bearss.
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RIEBECKITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.6 cm terminated crystal.

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RIEBECKITE    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.6 cm terminated crystal
Species:           RIEBECKITE  
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.6 cm terminated crystal, front and back views
Field Collected: Unknown - A purchased specimen - 8/15
Catalog No.: 1964
Notes: When purchased, this TN specimen was labeled as arfvedsonite. However the scratched surface is pale blue (visible, second photo), suggesting riebeckite.
An XRD analysis - arfvedsonite correlation had a slightly better correlation with arfvedsonite than with riebeckite XRD analysis - riebeckite correlation . This suggests an arfvedsonite crystal altering to riebeckite.
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RIEBECKITE var. Crocidolite    Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2.2 cm field of view
Species:           RIEBECKITE var. Crocidolite  
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.2 cm field of view
Field Collected: Leroy Grant -1970's
Catalog No.: u2371
Notes: Mat of blue crocidolite on smoky quartz crystal with astrophyllite..
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RIEBECKITE var. Crocidolite  Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
5 cm specimen with blue crocidolite in quartz-feldspar matrix. Green arrow points to EDS sample grain site.
Species:           RIEBECKITE var. Crocidolite
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 5 cm specimen with blue crocidolite in quartz-feldspar matrix
Field Collected: Leroy Grant -1970's
Catalog No.: 2170
Notes: An EDS analysis (BC502, a weight % oxide analysis) had the required elements for riebeckite, but the Na value was low and the Fe value was high for riebeckite.
Chemistry from BC502 analysis: Na1.01Fe8.13Al0.07Si7.13O23 normalized for 23 O.
Al Falster of the MMGM lab acquired an EDS analysis from this same polished grain. Al's plot amplitudes are similar to the BC analysis, but weight % oxide values were not provided.
For reference:
Ideal riebeckite chemistry (mindat, 2023): [ ]Na2(Fe2+3Fe3+2)Si8O22(OH)2
RUFF empirical chemistry (R050082.2):
([ ]0.63,Na0.19K0.18)(Na1.58Ca0.42)Σ=2Fe2+3.00(Fe3+1.30Fe2+0.45Mn0.15Mg0.05Ti0.05)Σ=2(Si0.98Al0.02)8O22(OH)2
A 1996 Canadian Mineralogist article by Foord et. al. , article link
gave an empirical chemistry for a Hurricane Mtn. fibrous riebeckite as:
(Na1.82K0.05Ca0.01)Σ=1.88(Fe2+2.44Li0.06Mg0.02BeO0.02Mn0.01Z0.06O0.01)Σ=2.56 (Fe3+2.42Ti0.01Zr0.02Sn0.01Nb0.01)Σ=2.56(Si7.85Al0.01P0.01)Σ=7.96O23.2
Good grief !
If all the the tiny cation amounts are removed from this formula, we are left with:
Na1.82(Fe2+2.44Fe3+2.42)Si7.85O23.2      reasonably close to the ideal riebeckite formula given above.
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SIDERITE   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2.5 cm specimen. Group of flattened rhombic siderite crystals at juncture of crossed arfvedsonite crystals.

Species:           SIDERITE
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 cm specimen. Group of flattened rhombic siderite crystals at juncture of crossed arfvedsonite crystals.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: U083
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THORITE Var. Thorogummite  Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
0.9 mm tabular crystal
Species:           THORITE Var. Thorogummite
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 0.9 mm tabular crystal
Field Collected: Bob Wilken 2022
Catalog No. The carbon tape sample:
Notes: An EDS analyses indicated thorogummite.
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THORITE Var. Thorogummite  Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
1.3 mm field of view
Species:           THORITE Var. Thorogummite
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.3 mm field of view
Field Collected: Bob Wilken 2022
Catalog No.: Harvard Mineral Museum specimens #151082.
Notes: An EDS analyses indicated these red-brown tablets are thorite var. thorogummite. Fe, P and Al are known substitutions in thorogummite. A second EDS analyses by Al Falster at the MMGM laboratory also indicated thorogummite.
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THORITE Var. Thorogummite  Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Largest sample is 6.5 cm

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THORITE Var. Thorogummite   Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
4.5 cm specimen

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THORITE Var. Thorogummite  Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
2 cm field of view
Species:           THORITE Var. Thorogummite
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn. Conway, NH
Specimen Size: Largest sample is 6.5 cm
Field Collected: E. Schlichter - 1982
Catalog No.: Harvard Mineral Museum specimens #151082.
Notes: Top photo by Kevin Czaja. Thorogummite was discredited as a valid species in 2014.
A poly bag of these was loaned from the Harvard collection for photos and to supply grains for analysis. The most radioactive specimen is shown in the second photo with a close-up in the third photo. The resinous brown area on the specimen right side is suspected to be the source for the strong radioactive response.
An EDS analyses by Al Falster at the MMGM laboratory indicated thorite variety thorogummite.
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ZIRCON   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2 mm zircon crystal embedded in arfvedsonite hairs

Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2 mm zircon crystal embedded in arfvedsonite hairs
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u011
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ZIRCON   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Zircon crystals to 1 mm on albite

Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: Zircon crystals to 1 mm on albite
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u109
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ZIRCON   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Zircon crystals (largest 3 mm) on microcline with limonite crust coating

Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: Zircon crystals (largest 3 mm) on microcline with limonite crust coating
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.:
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ZIRCON   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
3 mm zircon crystal (side view) on microcline with arfvedsonite (black)

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ZIRCON   Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
3 mm zircon (c axis view) crystal on microcline with arfvedsonite (black)

Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm zircon crystal on microcline with arfvedsonite (black), two views
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 577
Notes: C axis view is a 19 image stack.
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ZIRCON   Hurricane Mtn, Conway, NH
3.5 mm crystal
Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:          Hurricane Mtn, Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 3.5 mm crystal
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: Not Cataloged
Notes: These Hurricane Mtn. zircons have only a very pale yellow fluorescence in SW UV.
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ZIRCON  Huricane Mtn., Conway, NH
1.2 cm zircon
Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:         Huricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 1.2 cm zircon
Field Collected: Roger Eastman
Catalog No.: A Don Dallaire specimen and photo. Acquired 8/22.
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ZIRCON  Huricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2.7 cm specimen
Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:         Huricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.7 cm specimen
Field Collected: Roger Eastman
Catalog No.: A Don Dallaire specimen and photo. Acquired 8/22.
A bit of arfvedsonite is present on the left side of the specimen.
Highslide JS
ZIRCON  Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
2.0 mm field of view
Species:           ZIRCON
Locality:         Hurricane Mtn., Conway, NH
Specimen Size: 2.0 mm field of view
Field Collected: Bob Wilken, 2022.
Catalog No.: u2643