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TITANITE   Joppa Hill, Bedford, NH
Zoom view of right side of specimen 733. Larger xl is 1.5 cm. Crystal just above, to left, is 1 cm.

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Joppa Hill, Bedford, NH
Specimen Size: Zoom view of right side of specimen 733. Larger xl is 1.5 cm. Crystal just above, to left, is 1 cm.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 733
Notes: Many of the minerals to be found at the Joppa Hill locale are present on this specimen including vesuvianite (slender, etched, light-brown prisms), Ce rich Epidote (black), grossular (blood red), and diopside (green).
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TITANITE   Wheeler Mtn., Winchester, NH
5 mm pale yellow-green titanite crystal, no matrix.

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Wheeler Mtn., Winchester, NH
Specimen Size: 5 mm pale yellow-green titanite crystal, no matrix.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 907b
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TITANITE   Wheeler Mtn., Winchester, NH
6 mm pale yellow-green titanite crystal on matrix.

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Wheeler Mtn., Winchester, NH
Specimen Size: 6 mm pale yellow-green titanite crystal on matrix.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 907a
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TITANITE   Wheeler Mtn., Winchester, NH
1 mm pale yellow titanite crystal on matrix.

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Wheeler Mtn., Winchester, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm pale yellow titanite crystal on matrix.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u257
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TITANITE   Mist Hill Power line epidote locale, Warren, NH
Cream colored, crude, titanite crystals to 2 mm in bladed ferrohornblende.

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Mist Hill power line epidote locale, Warren, NH
Specimen Size: Cream colored, crude, titanite crystals to 2 mm in bladed ferrohornblende.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u521
Notes: Not particularly outstanding as NH titanite specimens go, but a good voucher specimen for this lesser known locale.
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TITANITE   Rt 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
1 mm group of tan titanite crystals

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Rt 101 - 101A road cut, Amherst, NH
Specimen Size: 1 mm group of tan titanite crystals
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer, Aug 1997
Catalog No.: u304
Notes: This is a redo of a 2015 photo,
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TITANITE   Joppa Hill, Bedford, NH
Group of titanite crystals. Forward facing crystal is 2 mm.

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Joppa Hill, Bedford, NH
Specimen Size: Group of titanite crystals. Forward facing crystal is 2 mm.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u1125
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TITANITE   Joppa Hill, Bedford, NH
2.5 mm titanite crystal with green diopside crystals.

Species:           TITANITE
Locality:          Joppa Hill, Bedford, NH
Specimen Size: 2.5 mm titanite crystal with green diopside crystals.
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u1125
Notes: Many Joppa Hill titanite crystals have mirror flat surfaces.
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